Contain it.

Its the kind of thing that just grows little by little. Just quietly, I have a feeling, it might bloom into something pretty. Ballooning bigger, and bigger, bigger, til its all cinnamon sweet and bubble gum pink. Candyfloss and lollipop stains on tongue. We'll be good together. Circles over cirlces, spin it round till we're over and under. Makes me giggle, I try really hard. Squeeze my knees together, hand over mouth, like lid over jar. It's sparkling so hard and too too precious already, that I can hardly, contain myself. J

One last thing.

Life will always seem like it's incomplete when you're wanting for that one last thing. You're always left wanting just alittle more than what's been given, and another promise broken that whatever given would be enough. Enough doesn't exist, and like the tomorrow that never comes, that one last thing, is never the last thing. J

The Trick.

In this minute and miniscule, most mircroscopic piece of the universe that I occupy and live in daily...sometimes the claustrophobia consumes you, and you let it swell so big that it could nearly touch all four corners of your world. So easy to loose what took so long to finally find in yourself that made it okay to just be. The trick is, to quickly to find yourself a needle and pop the damn thing. With a bang and a fright, blow open the walls and find that there is a sky, the earth and that there is so far to run and so much to love. J
